Assistant Professor,
School of Creative Convergence Education,
Handong Global University
한동대학교 창의융합교육원 조교수
Contact Information
📧 [email protected]
📧 [email protected]
🏫 Nehemiah Hall 423
Handong Global University,
558 Handong-ro, Buk-gu
Pohang, Gyeongbuk, South Korea
I dream of an "invisible school" where more people Connect, Learn, and Grow.
I am an educator and researcher currently serving as an assistant professor in Handong Global University. Broadly speaking, my research covers Instructional Design, Technology Enhanced Learning, AI for Personalized Learning, and Design Thinking in various contexts.
- Ph.D. in Educational Technology, Ewha Womans University (2016)
- M.A. in Educational Technology, Ewha Womans University (2006)
- B.A. in Educational Technology / Professional English (Minor: Multimedia), Ewha Womans University (2004)
- 03/2024 ~ present : Assistant Professor, School of Creative Convergence Education, Handong Global University
- 02/2019 ~ 02/2024 : Research Professor, Center for Teaching & Learning, Sogang University
- 07/2017 ~ 01/2019 : Research Professor, College of Engineering, Ewha Womans University
- 04/2016 ~ 06/2017 : Visiting Professor, Center for Teaching & Learning, Hansung University
- 10/2008 ~ 02/2010 : Researcher, Center for Teaching & Learning, Korea University
- 10/2006 ~ 01/2008 : Researcher, Center for Teaching & Learning, Soongsil University
- Research Interests: Instructional Design, Technology Enhanced Learning, AI for Personalized Learning, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship Education
- Google Scholar (←click on the link)
- Recent publications